The spiritual Name is Swami Goutam-Rishi Avadhut Imram Giriji.

The components of His name are the spiritual titles given to him when he was initiated into the Juna Akhara order, a tradition of the Natha Siddhas. 

The meaning of a Name reflects the qualities of the soul, the degree of awareness, the level of versatile development and, as a result, the capabilities of its owner. At the same time , all Names, being the attributes (qualities) of the Supreme in us, are like a mantra.

Due to his intensive long-term practices, Master Imram has reached the highest state of consciousness and today he shares knowledge and experience in their original, not distorted version.He is - “the One, who wouldn’t not waist or utter even a sound for nothing," "the One, whose every word is weighty and deep."

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Imram was born in the Caucasus in 1968 in a family of teachers.

At the age of two, Imram began to have an active interest in music himself. He intuitively learned to play various musical instruments. 

When he was older, he spent hours working with test tubes and other laboratory attributes , chemicals for personal alchemical experiments. This points to his Experience coming from past incarnations.

In addition to creativity, he was also interested in Sciences. His passion for martial arts, the philosophy of Tao, I-Ching, Chan Buddhism, and Theurgy can be called an important period in Imram's life. After all, very soon, through understanding of the unity of all directions, he began to seriously engage in spiritual practices, alchemy.

Imram was born in the Caucasus in 1968 in a family of teachers.

At the age of two, Imram began to have an active interest in music himself. He intuitively learned to play various musical instruments.

When he was older, he spent hours working with test tubes and other laboratory attributes , chemicals for personal alchemical experiments. This points to his Experience coming from past incarnations.

In addition to creativity, he was also interested in Sciences. His passion for martial arts, the philosophy of Tao, I-Ching, Chan Buddhism, and Theurgy can be called an important period in Imram's life. After all, very soon, through understanding of the unity of all directions, he began to seriously engage in spiritual practices, alchemy.

Already in his youth, Imram visited various sacred places on the planet. He spent a lot of time in India, in the Himalayan mountains performing sadhana, being in asceticism for a long time (Sanskrit.: Sādhanā ,राधरा — "spiritual practice") studied Sanskrit and Hindi, Vedic canons.

Along the way, he contacted representatives of different faiths. Imram communicated directly with the Himalayan sages, enlightened masters, Sri Sathya SAI Baba, Babaji Nagaraj (the teacher of Lahiri Mahasaya), from whom he received initiation into Kriya, as well as with the immortal disciple of Babaji in the forests of Jaipur . At the time of the meeting, he was 1,900 years old. Master communicated with the Karmapa Buddha XVII, His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV, who gave him several initiations, since the Master is the embodiment of a Tibetan mystic who carries the experience of the Himalayan mystics of Tibetan Buddhism.

Also, Imram maintains relations with people who are recognized as saints in their faiths: the Christian ascetic Odessa elder, Archimandrite Iona, (now deceased), a representative of the Islamic direction, Mahmud Baba.

Mahavatar Babaji materialized His immortal body and gave the Holy blessing (initiation) to Imram in Kriya in 2002, when Imram was in asceticism, in the Caucasus mountains, and in 2003, Sri Sathya SAI Baba gave Imram a Shaktipad, and then with the blessing of Sathya SAI Baba, Imram himself initiated several tens of thousands of people.

Mahavatar Babaji materialized His immortal body and gave the Holy blessing (initiation) to Imram in Kriya in 2002, when Imram was in asceticism, in the Caucasus mountains, and in 2003, Sri Sathya SAI Baba gave Imram a Shaktipad, and then with the blessing of Sathya SAI Baba, Imram himself initiated several tens of thousands of people.

In 2003, he received shaktipat (Sanskrit.: transmission of power, spiritual energy) from Sri Sathya SAI Baba.

In 2010, Imram accepted sannyasa (In the tradition of juna Akhara, the oldest and most numerous monastic order in India, he became a monk in the world, and also received initiation into the tradition of Siddhas nathas (Devas). Nātha - "master" or "lord”).

According to the level of knowledge and status of ancestral origin, Imram is a brahmin (from the Sanskrit word Brāhmaaa IAST; Devanagari ब्राह्रम — - a member of the highest caste (Varna)).

In 2003, he received shaktipat (Sanskrit.: transmission of power, spiritual energy) from Sri Sathya SAI Baba.

In 2010, Imram accepted sannyasa (In the tradition of juna Akhara, the oldest and most numerous monastic order in India, he became a monk in the world, and also received initiation into the tradition of Siddhas nathas (Devas). Nātha - "master" or "lord”).

According to the level of knowledge and status of ancestral origin, Imram is a brahmin (from the Sanskrit word Brāhmaaa IAST; Devanagari ब्राह्रम — - a member of the highest caste (Varna)).

Imram's philosophy and spiritual practices are based on personal Experience and a deep understanding of the principle of unity of all things. Everything in the world is interconnected. Unity in diversity . Every atom in the universe is connected to each other . The macro-universe is fully reflected in the microcosmos, which is our bodily temple!

According to Imram, science (metaphysics, anatomy, etc.) is inextricably linked to human psychology and spirituality. In the framework of the philosophy which Imram adheres to, it is said that initially all our reality is a psychophysical transformation of light and sound. The world is filled with Sound and Light.

It is important to understand that Master Imram is not a religious figure, but an entirely spiritual person...

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Imram's philosophy and spiritual practices are based on personal Experience and a deep understanding of the principle of unity of all things. Everything in the world is interconnected. Unity in diversity . Every atom in the universe is connected to each other . The macro-universe is fully reflected in the microcosmos, which is our bodily temple!

According to Imram, science (metaphysics, anatomy, etc.) is inextricably linked to human psychology and spirituality. In the framework of the philosophy which Imram adheres to, it is said that initially all our reality is a psychophysical transformation of light and sound. The world is filled with Sound and Light.

It is important to understand that Master Imram is not a religious figure, but an entirely spiritual person...

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